Organic Herbal Facial

Glow Naturally

Leesa, Merewether

“Face feels like ‘flattened’ after release of tensions. So relaxing.”

ZenGlow: Energy Herbal Facial

We call it a facial with a difference!
Designed to undo negative effects of stress, climate and our subconscious thoughts & emotions, often locked in our facial muscles and skin by adding Marma Therapy.

E-motion is Energy with motion.

Most non-verbal expression of our emotions happens through facial expressions. This creates energy dynamics in the facial muscles and the skin. The hidden effects of the dynamics of negative emotions can get locked in these areas.

Face-head-neck Marma Therapy can help release these emotions and their effects. Combined with organic herbs tailored to your skin type, experience the soothing, pampering facial you never had before.

Another difference: it is performed by a bearded man 🧔 (a dad joke),
who specializes in Marma therapy and makes sure this facial is a truly zen experience for you.

organic herbal anti ageing facial

Beauty in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, beauty is not limited to looks or physical body. Real beauty is experienced once body and mind are detoxed by removing factors of decay.

In addition to skin health, Ayurveda focuses on Inner beauty and Rejuvenation (Rasayana), which is effected through herbal treatments, tonification and dietary recommendations.

“I am beautiful today, every day.”

— Affirmation