health hurdles

Be Healthier, Happier,
Full of Life, At-Peace.

Effective, Relaxing Natural Therapies
for Your Body & Mind

Photo: Shirodhara
For stress, anxiety, insomnia relief

Safe & Soothing

remedies that deliver results.

Welcome to Ayusha

Where you feel heard, understood & cared for

Endo, Menopause
PMS Treatments

Click on- Images: To Book, Words: More Info

Renee’s Story of

  • Since the age of 34, Renee started to experience pelvic pain. The pain was variable, in location, nature and intensity.

    She also felt very drained, fatigued regardless of the time of day and amount of sleep she had.

    The pain and fatigue affected her daily life to the extent that she was unable to participate in any activities that she enjoyed once- whether it was her pilates, running, going out with friends or simply taking a good rest. All this put strain on her relationships and she started to feel lonely and low.

    This went on for more than 2 years. She did a few tests but no cause was found. She was taking prescribed pain medication to get temporary relief with some vitamins for energy.

  • Every time Renee saw someone about her symptoms, she felt she was rushed through her consults. Her symptoms were frequently dismissed as psychosomatic or as exaggerated and were not taken seriously enough.

    She knew something was not right. But quite a few times, she was told even by people around her, ‘it’s in her head’ or ‘just put up with it’.

    She felt ‘not heard’, being minimised, lost and started questioning, doubting herself.

  • Believing ‘there’s got to be some solution’, she came to Ayusha. After the consult, she expressed, “I feel heard and understood for the first time”.

    That sentence resonated with us so much as this is what we do in Ayurveda everyday- treat you as a unique Being. Give you the time you deserve, to understand your symptoms, uncover the root causes and, follow it through to your recovery.

    At Ayusha, we listen to your journey, to what your body is telling you, as Ayurveda believes ‘the body keeps the score’ and ‘Is Intelligent in itself’.

  • Kudos to Renee for diligently following Ayurveda’s holistic recovery plan, consisting of bodywork therapies, diet-lifestyle changes and some daily routines.

    The 6 weeks plan aimed at detoxing, reducing inflammation, restoring gut health and rejuvenating the tissues. The bodywork therapies focused on removing the energy blockages in pelvic region and restoring the Bodily Intelligence so it can support the deeper healing.

    Her fatigue is gone and pain is substantially reduced. She is stronger, physically & emotionally, and feels happy, balanced and content than what she had felt in a long time. Mainly, she discovered tons of energy to enjoy all the activities she was unable to do all these years.

    Renee lives in Cooks Hill and is fully enjoying her life, desired and well deserved.

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“Therapies that open body’s healing channels.”

— Dr Deepak Chopra, M.D.

‘Being Healthy’
Made Simple

  • Natural Therapist Healer Near Me

    Instant recommendations for your health concerns or well-being goals.

  • Myhealth appointment booking

    Online, in 3 easy steps.

  • naturopathy diet and nutrition plan

    Ask as many questions.

    Detailed History
    8-fold Health Assessment
    Root Cause Analysis
    Start Recovery with a Personalised Plan


    Treatment Session
    Relevant Discussion & Consent
    Brief Health Assessment
    Enjoy the treatment benefits.

Follow Ayurveda, Love the way you look and feel, like they do!

Healthier, Happier,
Full of Life, At Peace.

Cave-age to Citiscapes

same old survival threats,
just with new faces

modern survival threats affecting youth mental health and wellbeing

Without proper tools to deal with them, we often remain in the survival mode-Neurobiological state of vigilant attention, consciously or unconsciously.
Such prolonged freeze, flight or fight state, over-activates adrenaline, cortisol responses triggering hormonal imbalances, inflammation, auto-immune reactions, affecting the health on physical, emotional and energetic levels.
Life becomes battle for mere survival.
You deserve better!

Win today’s health battles and Thrive,
with Ayurveda.

young ladies taking Ayurveda diet


being healthy
made simple

Continually practiced since 5000+ years to:

  • Eliminate toxins, reduce inflammation and build inner energy reserves.

  • Regain physical and mental health, by treating root causes than just symptoms.

  • Delay the ageing process by improving gut-brain-heart functionality and strengthening immune system.

  • Enhance mind-body alignment by release of entrenched negative emotions and reversing their hidden effects.

“I believe that personalised, holistic care should be the norm,
not the exception

-Sachin (Practitioner)

Truly Holistic,
Authentic Care
for 'Whole' You

  • Re-balancing Massages

    Fatigue, soreness, low energy or feel a knead?

    Today, allow yourself to pause.
    Unwind in blissful space,
    Nourish your Essence

    Self-care rituals for every intention.

    Wellness that Works

  • Rejuvenating Skin Care

    Delay ageing,
    Invigorate your skin and
    Undo hidden effects of stress & weather.

    Cleanse toxins,
    Enhance toning and,
    Feel lighter too!

    with unique organic treatments

    Radiate zest for the life.

  • Effective Pelvic Care, Women's Health Remedies

    Endo, PMS, UTIs, PCOS, Peri-Menopause, Incontinence, Fertility...

    ...where current solutions are limited.

    Natural, empowering remedies.

    Feel ‘heard’, ‘understood’ and ‘cared’.

  • Drug-free Mind Care

    Proven relief from stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression.

    Release deep seated emotions, remove blockages, patterns.

    +Life programs to overcome addictions, anger or heal trauma.

    Feel ‘yourself’ again.

  • Potent Pain Care

    Chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia, post-op pain, pelvic pain like Endo or PMS,

    Or localized back, neck, sciatica, knee pain or migraine headaches.

    Time-tested, effective pain relief.

    Living with pain IS NOT new normal.

  • Gut Care, Health Recovery

    IBS, auto-immune conditions?

    Improve gut-brain connection with personalized diet advice.

    Book Consult for result-focused treatment plans with ancient understanding of mind-body oneness.

    Tap into the Medicine Within.

Life-Sutra Microblog:

3B Membership

Balance, Beauty and Bliss

with Big Savings

Secure consistency in self-care with increased affordability, flexibility and remarkable results.

at less than price of a daily coffee!

Unparalleled Benefits

  • Climate resistant, healthier skin with improved toning and softness

  • More control over body fat and weight

  • Enhanced energy, better sleep, all year

  • Significant stress and inflammation reduction

  • Targeted detoxification, improved circulation and gut health

  • Stronger, flexible joints, muscles with significantly lesser pains-aches

  • Growing perception of inner peace

Once a month
Any Treatment

$ 39 per week

Annual Membership,
Refer FAQs for T&C on joining page

*Important: The information on this website is for general awareness purpose only. Reading it does not constitute medical advice for your specific condition.
Anything written here is not to be considered against the advice given by your doctors. Read full disclaimer.