Ayusha Ayurveda Natural Therapies

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Medical misogyny and 4 P’s of Endo

Did you know :

Girls with mothers who have endometriosis are nearly 10 times more likely to develop Endo?

Endometriosis is an ancient disease but still struggling to find a cause or effective, safe solutions?

As many as one in two women described living with chronic pain, for a variety of reasons?

Endo was labelled with catchphrase medical misogyny due to

  • dismissal of many health concerns raised by women, though 1 in 7+ females are affected over the course of their reproductive life, mostly spanning from menarche (when periods first start), to menopause.

  • wrong tendency to assume most women’s symptoms stem predominantly from a psychological basis

  • incorrect attitudes to normalise period pain and heavy periods

  • collective negligence of women’s pain, as revealed by the 2024 Pelvic Pain Survey in Victoria

  • confusing symptoms that leave women feeling often apologetic (when they never have to) for coming in with a list of disparate symptoms for the doctor to detangle

  • social stigmas to discuss about bleeding and ‘women bits’ openly.

    For a condition that seems to affect 1 million, it’s surprising how little information we have on pelvic pain in Australia.

    It’s about bloody time to talk about endo.

4P’s of Endometriosis

Endometriosis can be a differential diagnosis if you answer yes to any of the three Ps:

  • pain with your period,

  • pain when you pee,

  • pain when you poo; bloating and tiredness are common too.

    If you have ticked yes to any of above P, then what’s next?

    That’s where The 4th P is Persistence comes in. Diagnosis of endometriosis requires persistence by both the patient and doctor.

    Where to start?

  • Here is some information about Endo and some resources.

  • Here is RATE: Raising Awareness Tool for Endometriosis or Symptom Checker which you can use to start checking about your symptoms.

  • If the tools suspects endometriosis, here are some self-management tips.

  • However, please see your GP to get the diagnosis process started.

  • In the meantime, in parallel, you can also explore natural therapies that we offer to alleviate the symptoms.

    Wherever you start,

    “Make sure you feel listed to”,

    says Dr Simonis.

    And that’s what we focus at Ayusha.

Why compliment Endo treatment with natural therapies?

Considering the central, key position of women in the fabric of any society, generation or era, Ayurveda has more volumes of texts dedicated to women’s health, than men.

Root cause for Endo is not yet known.

Ayurveda has developed therapies that can help alleviate the symptoms and possibly can provide answers, help and hope about the missing pieces of Endo puzzle. Here is more information about what Ayurveda’s view on Endometriosis and therapies offered.